List of Publications by Chhimi Dorji and Selme Consulting
International Peer-Reviewed Journals and publications
Journal Of Hydrology, Volume 499, 30 August 2013, Pages 91–99. XianwuXue, Yang Hong, Ashutosh S. Limaye, Jonathan Gourley, George. J. Huffman, Sadiq Ibrahim Khan, Chhimi Dorji, and Sheng Chen. Statistical and Hydrological Evaluation of TRMM-based Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis over the Wangchu Basin of Bhutan: Are the Latest Satellite Precipitation Products 3B42V7 Ready for Use in Ungauged Basins? Xue et al, 2013.
Environmental Research Letters (2013) 014018, T G Quetchenbach, M J Harper, J Robinson IV, K KHervin, N A Chase, C Dorji, and A E Jacobson. The GridShare solution: a smart grid approach to improve service provision on a renewable energy mini-grid in Bhutan, Quetchenbach et al, 2013.
Dorji Chhimi, 2011; Climate Change as a Security Issue: A Case Study of Bhutan, Chapter 12, Part-III Cooperation in Non-traditional Security, Cooperative Security Framework for South Asia, Indian Defense Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, India and Pentagon Press, Edited by NiharNayak, ISBN 978-81-8274-705-0.
Dorji and Chophel, 2013; Climate change and river flow in the Chamkharchhu river basin, Bhutan. Presented to Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) First Annual Environmental Fair and Research Symposium 21st July 2013. Under review.
Dorji and Chophel, 2013; Water Resources, Energy and Climate of Bhutan. Presented to Conference on Water Governance and Cooperation in South Asia, Kathmandu Oct 17-18, 2013. Paper accepted by Hanns Seidel Foundation Germany.
Dorji Chhimi, 2014; Climate Change and River Flow in the Chamkhar Chhu Basin, Journal of Renewable Natural Resources Bhutan, Volume 10, Issue 1, December 2014. 107-120. Council for RNR Research of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu: Bhutan.
Dorji Chhimi, June 2011; Solid Waste and Energy scenario in Bhutan, submitted to GSSE, College of Business, Colorado State University, USA and AYZH, MA, USA.
Dorji et al, May 2004; Environment Management Plan of MNNIT, B.Tech degree project, Allahabad, UP, India.
List of Educational Materials Developed and other writing Samples
First smart grid electricity at Rukubji, Kuensel August 1, 2011. By Chhimi Dorji
Smoothing The Peak, A poster explanation of the Gridshare Project, by Dorji et al to Sustainable Design Competition, Washington DC, USA. Published and presented in Washington DC.
Hydrology of the Wang Basin, Bhutan, A research paper on the hydrology and Climate Change of the Wangcchu basin, April 2009. Unpublished.
A Watershed portfolio Report on the Wangchhu Basin and its Hydrology, Nov 1, 2009, by Chhimi Dorji, Unpublished.
Sustainable Building Energy Policy for Humboldt State University, A Policy brief with strategies on why sustainable building energy policy is required at HSU. ENGR 532 HSU, USA 2009. Unpublished.
Energy Efficient Buildings in Bhutan. A policy brief on the need to have Energy Efficient Buildings in Bhutan, HSU, California, USA 2009. Chhimi Dorji. Unpublished.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Humboldt State by Dorji et al, A report on the GHG Emission scenario of HSU campus 2009. Unpublished.
Selme Consulting is a consulting firm established in Thimphu, Bhutan that is specialized in the skills of Hydrology/Water Resources, Energy, GIS, and Environment. It was set up in 2015 to provide specialized services on Energy, Environment, and Water Resources that were hitherto not available in Bhutan.